What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient for equivalised (square root scale) disposable household annual income (before housing costs deducted (BHC)). A single source series is used, taken from Perry (2019).
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient for individual taxable income. A single source series is used, taken from Easton (1983).
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals over age 20.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Percentage of individuals in households with equivalised (1988 revised Jensen scale) disposable income (before deducting housing costs) below 60 per cent of the median. A single source series is used, taken from Perry (2019) for the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development, based on the Household Economic Survey.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Earnings at top decile as percentage of median earnings from OECD: linked with no multiplier at 1984 to an earlier series from Easton (1983), as presented in Atkinson (2008), calculated from tax statistics based on a sample of tax returns.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Individal net wealth share of top 1% from NZ.stat for 2015 and 2018; figures for 1956 and 1966 taken from Easton (1983).